Histoarchitecture and scanning electron microscopic studies of the olfactory epithelium in the exotic fish Puntius javanicus (Bleeker)
Padmanabha Chakrabarti, Saroj Kumar Ghosh
ABSTRACT. The olfactory epithelium of Puntius javanicus (Bleeker) was examined methodically with a light microscope (LM) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The ovoid olfactory apparatus consists of 25 to 26 primary lamellae arranged on both sides of the narrow median raphe. The sensory epithelium occupies the upper middle and apical half of the olfactory lamellae and consists of receptor cells (both ciliated and microvillus) and mucous cells. The region from basal part of the lamellae to the junction of the median raphe is covered with non-sensory epithelium. The non-sensory epithelium is composed of non-sensory supporting cells, stratified epithelial cells with fingerprint like microridges, and mucous cells.
Keywords: Histoarchitecture, topological organization, olfactory epithelium, Puntius javanicus
P. Chakrabarti [+], S.K. Ghosh
Department of Zoology
Burdwan University, Burdwan – 713104
West Bengal, India
e:mail: dr.pchakrabarti@yahoo.in