Growth parameters of huchen Hucho hucho (L.) in the wild and under culture conditions
Jaroslav Andreji, Ivan Stráňai
ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to determine the age and growth parameters of huchen, Hucho hucho (L.), individuals collected in the Dunajec River and from a fish farm in Príbovce. A total of 26 fish ranging in age from 5+ to 24+ were analyzed. Length-weight correlations were calculated with transformed regression equations and the von Bertalanffy growth model. The following equations were calculated for the fish from the Dunajec River – log W = –5.665392 + 3.256319 ´ log L; log L = 1.739815 + 0.307095 ´ log W; L(t) = 1451.4 ´[1 – exp–0.1093 ´ (t – 0.1251)], and for the fish from the Príbovce farm – log W = – 7.176307 + 3.773629 ´ log L; log L = 1.901699 + 0.264997 ´ log W; L(t) = 1394.1 ´[1 – exp–0. 0997 ´ (t – 0.1249)]. The values of Fulton’s condition coefficient for the fish from the Dunajec River and the Príbovce farm were 1.24 and 1.35, respectively. Back-calculated length-weight growth in subsequent years was higher in the fish from the Dunajec River, but both huchen groups generally exhibited positive allometric growth.
Keywords: huchen, age, growth, Dunajec River, cultivated fish, von Bertalanffy
MJ. Andreji [+], I. Stráňai
Slovak University of Agriculture
Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources
Department of Poultry Science and Small Animal Husbandry
Tr. A. Hlinku 2, SK – 949 76 Nitra, Slovak Republic
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