Histochemical studies of the olfactory epithelium of brackish-water cichlid fish, Etroplus suratensis (Bloch)
Padmanabha Chakrabarti, Saroj Kumar Ghosh
ABSTRACT. The localization and detection of silver stain for axons, the chemical nature of mucopolysaccharides, protein, lipid, alkaline phosphatase, and adenosine triphosphatase on the olfactory epithelium of Etroplus suratensis (Bloch) were studied by employing different histochemical techniques. Silver stain was used to detect the occurrence and distribution of different types of axons, if any, in the epithelium and in various layers in the lamella. The chemical nature of acid and neutral mucins in the various regions of the olfactory epithelium was identified by employing the PAS-AB histochemical test. The histochemical localization of basic protein and lipid were recorded in the various cells of the olfactory epithelial lining as well as in the central core. The localization and detection of alkaline phosphatase (ALPase) and adenosine-tri-phosphatase (ATPase) in the different cells lining the olfactory epithelium were discussed with the functional significance of the fish concerned.
Keywords: axon, mucopolysaccharides, protein, lipid, enzymes, olfactory epithelium, Etroplus suratensis
P. Chakrabarti [+], S.K. Ghosh
Fisheries Laboratory, Department of Zoology,
The University of Burdwan, Golapbag, Burdwan – 713104
West Bengal, India
Tel./Fax.: +91 342 2634798; +91 342 2657938
e-mail: dr.pchakrabarti@yahoo.in