Characterization of growth and biochemical composition of sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus L., juveniles from the Dniester population reared in RAS
Oleksyi Khudyi, Ryszard Kolman, Lidia Khuda, Mykhailo Marchenko, Larisa Terteryan
ABSTRACT. A broodstock was created with individuals from the diminishing natural sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus L., population in the upper area of the Dniester basin. Selects and spawners were reared in flow-through tanks with natural thermal regimes. This is the first time artificial reproduction has been performed with this species, followed by incubation and larval rearing. The experimental rearing was conducted in tanks in a recirculating aquaculture system, in which the basic environmental quality parameters were controlled, including water temperature, oxygen saturation, and levels of ammonia and nitrite. During rearing, growth rates and proximate composition of larvae and then juvenile were examined. It was confirmed that during the period of endogenous feeding there was a two-fold decrease in the contents of protein and lipids in the bodies of the larvae. The effects of feeding the sterlet juvenile two different types of commercial feed were compared, and it was confirmed that the feed had a significant impact on sterlet growth rates. The mean daily increase in the body weight of sterlet juvenile fed Skretting feed was 1.91%, while that in the group fed Aller feed was 0.97%. Additionally, the juvenile from the former group was characterized by higher contents of protein and lipids in both the liver and muscle and the fatty acid profile was more varied.
Keywords: Acipenseridae, intensive rearing, growth rate, biochemical composition
O. Khudyi [+], L. Khuda, M. Marchenko, L. Terteryan
Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine
R. Kolman
Department of Ichthyology
Inland Fisheries Institute in Olsztyn, Poland