Consecutive repetition of lordosis-kyphosis in silverside Atherina boyeri Risso, 1810 collected from a wild population in Homa Lagoon, Izmir, Turkey
Laith Jawad, Okan Akyol, Cemil Saglam
ABSTRACT. The incidence of severe consecutive repetition of lordosis-kyphosis involving three flexions was reported in a specimen of the atherinid fish Atherina boyeri Risso. The values for the angles lay between the lines passing through the sides of the vertebral column and enclosing the curvatures, and the depth of the curvatures of the angles was obtained. Also, the ratio of the vertebral column to the fish total length of deformed and normal specimens of this species was calculated. Possible causes for these anomalies are discussed.
Keywords: Anomalies, vertebral column, angles, abdominal vertebrae, caudal vertebrae
L. Jawad [+]
Flat Bush, Manukau, Auckland 2016, New Zealand
O. Akyol, C. Saglam
Ege University Faculty of Fisheries Urla, Izmir, Turkey