Assessment of the impact of the timing of first feeding with live and formulated feeds on the survival and growth of larvae Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus Mitchill) in recirculating systems
Iwona Piotrowska, Bożena Szczepkowska, Mirosław Szczepkowski, Michał Kozłowski
ABSTRACT. The aim of the study was to determine the optimum timing of the first feeding of live and formulated feeds and its impact on the survival and growth of larval Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus Mitchill, reared in recirculating systems. The first experiment compared the rearing effects on larvae that were provided live feed (Artemia sp.) at first feeding on 6, 9, and 12 days post hatch (DPH). The timing of the first feeding with live feed had an impact on the specific growth rate, the final body weight, and the coefficient of body weight variation. The most advantageous rearing parameter values were noted in the group given their first feeding 9 DPH (P < 0.05). The second experiment compared the results of rearing larvae that were first given formulated feed on days 20, 25, and 30 post hatch. The highest specific growth rate and final body weight were obtained by the group of fish given their first feeding of formulated feed on day 20 post hatch (P < 0.05). The timing of the first feeding did not impact fish survival, which was above 76% (P > 0.05) in all groups. The results of the experiment indicate that the optimum timing of Atlantic sturgeon first feeding on live feed was nine DPH, and on formulated feed it was 20 DPH.
Keywords: Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus, Artemia sp., feeding, larvae, recirculating system
Iwona Piotrowska [+], Bożena Szczepkowska, Mirosław Szczepkowski, Michał Kozłowski
Department of Sturgeon Fish Breeding in Pieczarki
Inland Fisheries Institute in Olsztyn, Poland
11-610 Pozezdrze