Maciej Mickiewicz, Arkadiusz Wołos, Tomasz Czerwiński
Zakład Bioekonomiki Rybactwa, Instytut Rybactwa Śródlądowego w Olsztynie
ABSTRACT. The aim of this paper is to identify the organizational and management principles of special lake fishing grounds. The data used came from surveys conducted at eight special lake fishing grounds with a combined area of 1084.06 ha. The characteristics of each lake were determined in consideration of natural features and the organizational and management methods applied. Of the latter, factors such as ownership structure, open seasons, payment methods, additional services offered, the state and structure of the ichthyofauna, stocking management, characteristics of angling pressure, and advertising and promotion were analyzed. The social and economic rank of this type of lake fisheries in Poland was also determined.
Keywords: angling, special lake fishing grounds, management
Przyjęto po recenzji 31.07.2008 r.