Grzegorz Wiszniewski, Ryszard Kolman
Zakład Ichtiologii, Instytut Rybactwa Śródlądowego w Olsztynie
ABSTRACT. This paper presents the possibility of applying ultrasonography for non-invasive diagnostics of sex and sexual maturation of Ascipenseridae. This is a precise, non-invasive diagnostic method that is particularly valuable in studies of fish threatened with extinction. The studies were conducted at the Kuźniczka Hatchery on Atlantic sturgeon selects aged from 6 to 10 years. One problem encountered was that the light was too bright as the studies were performed out of doors on a sunny day. Another issue was the thick muscle layer on the lateral-ventral section of the Atlantic sturgeon that weakened the ultrasound signal. These two factors combined rendered interpreting the ultrasonographic images significantly more difficult. Among the 31 fish examined, only ten were confirmed to be females.
Key words: ultrasonography, sturgeon, sexual maturation, non- invasive
Przyjęto po recenzji 04.08.2008 r.