Stanisław Bontemps
Instytut Rybactwa Śródlądowego w Olsztynie
ABSTRACT. In presenting “Trout Service 2007”, I would like to remind the reader that the Inland Fisheries Institute began collecting data on the production of rainbow trout in the 1970s just after trout farming had begun to develop intensely. Information on the production of this species came initially from various groups of producers, including the State Fish Farm, The Polish Union of Fisheries Producers Associations, The Polish Union of Fisheries Cooperatives, the Polish Fisheries Association, and others such as farms associated with universities, institutes, and state forest service farms. The data collected were presented at annual conferences of trout producers. During the initial stages of the structural change that accompanied the political change in Poland, economic information available for analysis was largely limited, including production data in the fisheries sector, and the Central Bureau for Statistics ceased publishing fisheries reports (which had always been very general in character). The method for collecting information about trout farming remained unchanged until producers decided to contract the Inland Fisheries Institute to design a program for analyzing the production and sale of trout based on data obtained directly from producers. The first presentation of these trout farming statistics was at the fisheries conference in 1990. The survey used to collect data was modified in its early stages in consultation with the producers, and this modified system is still in use today. The Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics uses these data as the basis for making management decisions, estimates, and forecasts.
Keywords: rainbow trout, trout reproduction and rearing, survey study
Przyjęto po recenzji 28.07.2008 r.