Andrzej Kapusta, Jacek Morzach, Arkadiusz Duda, Grzegorz Wiszniewski, Ryszard Kolman
ABSTRACT. Attaching transmitters to fish is the most common procedure performed on free-ranging fish. Telemetry with either acoustic or high frequency radio transmitters is an essential tool for the study of fish behavior. This paper describes protocols for the efficient surgical implantation of telemetry transmitters in fish. Sturgeon were tagged with internal radio or acoustic transmitters (weight in air 0.6-12 g). This paper summarizes the knowledge and research results of transmitter impact on species taking into consideration morphology, the surgical procedure and transmitter attachment method, the tag mass to body mass ratio, and the expulsion of implanted tags.
Keywords: telemetry, tagging, surgery, fish, behavior
Przyjęto po recenzji 02.02.2009 r.