Joanna Grudniewska, Ryszard Bartel, Rafał Bernaś, Łukasz Ciżmowski, Marcin Jesiołowski, Bożena Kacperska, Barbara Kazuń, Andrzej Marczyński, Teresa Sarabura, Rafał Pender, Sławomir Połomski, Michał Skóra, Marek Sobocki, Elżbieta Terech-Majewska, Paweł Wołyński, Andrzej K. Siwicki
ABSTRACT. Observations of pathological changes on the skin (furunculosis) of salmon and sea trout spawners caught in Polish rivers and cultivated in ponds were continued in 2009. In comparison to the prevalence of this disease in 2007-2008, pathological changes were noted among fish from fewer rivers, while the percentage of fish infected with disease was significantly lower. Ichthyopathological tests were performed to identify the bacteria linked to the occurrence of this disease in the integumentary system and the internal organs.
Keywords: sea trout, spawners, furunculosis, ulcerative skin necrosis
Przyjęto po recenzji 31.03.2011 r.