Alicja Kozińska, Agnieszka Pękala
ABSTRACT. The present study compares the protective effect of two autologous vaccines against homologous and heterologous Yersinia ruckeri strains. These studies were preceded by determining optimal vaccination conditions (antigen dose and fish exposition time to the vaccine suspension). Each of the vaccines contained antigens prepared from one of two strains of Y. ruckeri: YR1 or Pt426, which originated from different farms and exhibited some biochemical differences. The fish were immersed in the vaccines containing 108 of antigens for 60 sec. (conditions determined as optimal). Six weeks after immunization, the fish that had been immunized with the different vaccines were divided into four groups. One of them was infected with the strain that is homologous to the vaccine. Each of the remaining groups was infected with one of the three heterologous strains. The relative percentage of survival (RPS) after infection with homologous strains was 90.5% for YR1 and 87% for Pt426, while for heterologous strains RPS it was markedly lower at a range of 33 to 67%. The results indicate that vaccines prepared using Y. ruckeri strains originating from particular farms and applied only in these farms may result in the best prophylaxis against yersiniosis in rainbow trout.
Keywords: autologous vaccines, yersiniosis, comparison, rainbow trout
Przyjęto po recenzji 14.08.2012 r.