Maciej Mickiewicz, Arkadiusz Wołos
ABSTRACT. The aim of the project was to collect and analyze data regarding European eel stocking in Polish inland waters in 2012. Sixty-seven fisheries enterprises that exploited 295,457 ha of waters, including 82,532 ha of waters in the Oder River drainage basin, and 212,925 ha of waters in the Vistula River drainage basin, were surveyed. The number of reared eel released into these waters was 3.4 indiv. ha-1. The mean individual weight of this material was 23 g, the value was 7.96 PLN ha-1., and 83 % of the water surface areas surveyed were stocked. The types of eel stocking material obtained from importers or producers released into these waters comprised 18,799 kg (1,747,433 indiv.) eel fry, of which 9,465 kg (1,559,700 indiv.) were of a unit weight of up to 10 g.
Keywords: European eel, inland waters, stocking management
Przyjęto po recenzji 08.07.2013 r.