Krzysztof Hryszko, Andrzej Lirski
ABSTRACT. This research focused on analyzing the dependencies of factors that shape the carp market. In particular, it assessed the impact imports have on domestic prices and production and estimated market size. Statistical analysis confirmed significant dependencies between carp domestic wholesale prices and import prices. The import prices were 20 to 30% lower than domestic prices. The domestic price of carp depended primarily on levels of domestic production. Imports did not effect the sales volume statistically significantly. Importing carp during periods of shortages in the Polish cultured fish sector resulting from disease or piscivorous animals can be considered as a possible measure for retaining market share. However, during periods of rising domestic production, carp imports can result in serious disturbances in the domestic market.
Keywords: carp production, carp market, import, prices
Przyjęto po recenzji 29.11.2013 r.