Joanna Tkaczewska, Władysław Migdał, Piotr Kulawik
ABSTRACT. Fish has never been a very popular food in Poland. It is consumed occasionally in accordance with religious tradition on holidays and during fasts. The aim of this study was to survey preferences and the frequency of fish consumption by various groups of consumers and to determine the role the location of fish farms had on the choice of fish. The results obtained confirm the hypothesis that the education level of the respondents influences their knowledge regarding nutrition and fish consumption. Awareness of the benefits of fish consumption increase with increasing levels of education. Consumer education level impacts nutritional awareness of the choice and consumption of fish. Consumers with higher education levels are better able to objectively evaluate the quality of different fish species. Unfortunately, better nutritional knowledge does not translate into increased consumption of valuable fish species.
Key words: consumer preferences, fish consumption, survey study
Przyjęto po recenzji 12.11.2013 r.