Tomasz Kajetan Czarkowski, Krzysztof Kupren, Danuta Kwasiborska, Jacek Jaczewski
ABSTRACT. Owners of agritourism enterprises who cooperate with agriculture consultants and their employees were surveyed regarding their opinions on Warmia and Mazury rural tourism and ichthyofauna, water, and fisheries. Most of the agritourism and rural tourism enterprises surveyed are located in the vicinity of natural aquatic ecosystems. Many have their own fish ponds and offer recreational fishing, and nearly 60 % of the enterprises declared that they offer guests the use of water sport equipment. According to those surveyed, tourists spend most of their time near the water, and the biggest attractions are fishing and mushroom hunting. Additionally, both groups of respondents concluded that traditional, local foods attractive to tourists should be based primarily on fish from the Warmia and Mazury area, and the preferred species are perch and pike.
Keywords: rural tourism, agritourism, lake, fish, fisheries, angling, traditional and local foods
Przyjęto po recenzji 14.05.2014 r.