Jan Woźniak, Rafał Kamiński
ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to analyze and summarize rearing conditions for larval and juvenile common barbel according to recent research. Barbel larval and juvenile stages achieve very high survival rates (95-99%) irrespective of water temperature or initial stock density. The only factor affecting survival rates during larval rearing is diet; specifically, this refers to quality and not to the dry or wet type. The best and most predictable effects can be achieved when the larvae are fed with Artemia nauplii. This kind of food is also the best for larval growth rates. The highest growth rate of barbel larvae was obtained at 26-27°C. The optimal temperature for of juvenile growth is 25-26°C. The results presented here are evidence that barbel is a species which is very easy to rear under controlled conditions.
Key words: barbel, larvae, juveniles, controlled conditions, rearing
Przyjęto po recenzji 10.10.2014 r.