Aleksey Gushchin, Ryszard Kolman, Igor Lysanskij
ABSTRACT. Experimental stocking of Atlantic sturgeon in the Neman River basin began in 2010. By the end of 2014, a total of approximately 23 thousand fry, of which about 10% were tagged, was released into the Neris and Šventoji rivers. Usually, two size groups were released: fry of an average weight of 5-7 g in October-November and heavier fry of 200-300 g in April tagged with Floy-Tags. The results of monitoring indicate that 77 individuals of sturgeon fry have been caught in the Russian part of the Curonian Lagoon since the beginning of stocking. The results of calculations indicate that the number of sturgeon caught throughout the Curonian Lagoon is approximately 120-130 individuals, which is about 5% of the quantity of tagged fry released.
Keywords: Baltic Atlantic sturgeon, restoration, stocking, catches
Przyjęto po recenzji 3.07.2015 r.