Alicja Bernad, Elżbieta Terech-Majewska, Joanna Pajdak, Patrycja Schulz, Andrzej K. Siwicki
ABSTRACT. Fish diseases hinder the development of aquaculture. In 2015 totally 3828 fish, which accounted for 292 lots of fish, were studied. Fish of various species came from 51 fishing facilities. Two cases of asymptomatic IPN infection were diagnosed. Most cases of bacterial disease were diagnosed in salmonids (84 of a total of 122). The most commonly diagnosed parasitoses with clinical symptoms were trichodinosis and ichtiophtiriosis. Of the total number of 359 parasites carriers, Trichodina spp., Dactylogyrus spp., Ichthyophthirius multifillis prevailed. The results indicate the need for systematic fish health monitoring which, in the future, will facilitate averting health risks and meeting the goals put forth in the “Strategy for the development of fisheries in Warmia-Mazury until 2030,” the aim of which is to preserve the health safety of fish farmed in the region.
Keys words: fish diseases, monitoring, parasites, bacteria
Przyjęto po recenzji 08.02.2016 r.