Lilianna Graczyk, Jan Mazurkiewicz, Krzysztof Florczyk
ABSTRACT. The pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) is a non-native species of freshwater fish from the sunfish (Centrarchidae) family. In Poland and in other countries in Europe the pumpkinseed is treated as an invasive species. The aim of this study was to characterize the biology of the pumpkinseed sunfish and to complement the systematic data. The impact of climate change on the existence and propagation of the species was determined. Two specimens of pumpkinseed were caught in fish ponds located in Gorzyń (Greater Poland voivodeship) in fall 2015. The biometric and meristic characters of both fish were analyzed. The data obtained were compared with results from North America and Europe.
Keywords: pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus, biometric characters, meristic characters, invasive species, climate change
Przyjęto po recenzji 8.03.2016 r.