Tomasz Kajetan Czarkowski, Andrzej Kapusta
ABSTRACT. This work is a review of problems linked with selected aspects of catching pike spawners. It presents the reasons for releasing pike spawners following artificial spawning and problems associated with restocking effectiveness and determining the number of spawners required for obtaining a desired number of hatchlings. The results of experimental studies available in the literature indicate that after artificial spawning pike spawners can be released back into the waters from which they were caught. Some studies indicate that pike restocking plays a significant role when natural recruitment is substantially limited. However, in water basins with appropriate environmental conditions for pike reproduction, restocking plays a lesser role in shaping the density and biomass of pike. In such waters, pike population conservation measures are of much more significance.
Key words: pike, fisheries users, spawners, natural spawning, controlled spawning, restocking
Przyjęto po recenzji 9.06.2016 r.