Alicja Bernad, Magdalena Józefowska, Elżbieta Terech-Majewska, Joanna Pajdak-Czaus, Patrycja Schulz, Andrzej K. Siwicki
ABSTRACT. Infectious and parasitic diseases of fish cultured under controlled conditions are significant limiting factors in the development of aquaculture. In 2017 at the Laboratory of Fish and Crayfish Diseases, Department of Veterinary Hygiene, Voivodeship Veterinary Inspectorate in Olsztyn, a total of 3,552 specimens of fish were examined from 278 lots of fish from 54 fisheries enterprises. During the period analyzed, 117 cases of bacterial disease were diagnosed. These were most frequently Pseudomonas fluorescens and Aeromonas hydrophila complex infections. Parasites, mainly Ichthyophthirius multifillis, Ichtyobodo necator, and Trichodina spp., were responsible for health problems in 37 cases. In four cases, the fish were determined to be asymptomatic carriers of the IPN virus. The total number of cases of disease noted during the period analyzed in 2017 was 154, which was a decrease of 75 in comparison to the 229 cases noted in 2016. The trend continued of diagnosing new pathogenic factors and parasites in the culture of new fish species in aquaculture, which confirms the necessity of performing systematic diagnostics and improving methods of targeted prevention.
Słowa kluczowe: fish diseases, bacterial pathogens, fish parasites, laboratory diagnostics
Przyjęto po recenzji 13.06.2018 r.