Doświadczenie zawodowe
2011- obecnie. - adiunkt, Instytut Rybactwa Śródlądowego im S. Sakowicza, Zakład Rybactwa Rzecznego
2011- 2012 - Visiting professor, EPFL Lausanne, Szwajcaria
2010- obecnie. - Fishways Global LLC., Principal Scientist and Manager, Livonia, MI
2009- obecnie. - University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE - Adjunct Professor, School of Natural Resources
2007- obecnie. - Rushing Rivers Institute, Dyrektor administracyjny i naukowy, Livonia, MI, USA
2007-2009 - Mt. Holyoke College, Mt. Holyoke, MA,USA - Research Associate and Adjunct Professor, Department of Earth and Environment
2004-2007 - University of Massachusetts , Amherst, MA,USA - Research Associate Professor, Department of Natural Resources Conservation
2003-2007 - University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA - Adjunct Assistant Professor in Aquatic Ecology and Engineering, Department of Natural Resources Management and Engineering
1999-2004 - Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,USA - Research Associate IV. Department of Natural Resources. Director, Instream Habitat Program
1999-2000 - University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA,USA - Adjunct Assistant Professor in Aquatic Ecology and Engineering, Department of Natural Resources Conservation.
1998-1999 - Uniwersität für Bodenkultur, Wiedeń, Austria - Uniwersitätslektor, Institut für Wasserwirtschaft, Gewässerökologie und Abfallwirtschaft, Abteuling für Hydrobiologie, Fischereiwirtschaft and Aquakultur
1988-1998 - Uniwersität für Bodenkultur, Wiedeń, Austria - Vertragsasistent, Institut für Wasserwirtschaft, Gewässerökologie und Abfallwirtschaft, Abteuling für Hydrobiologie, Fischereiwirtschaft and Aquakultur
Członkostwo w stowarzyszeniach zawodowych
- International Aquatic Modeling Group
- American Fisheries Society
- The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research
- International Society for River Science
- River Management Society
Nagrody i wyróżnienia
2006 - American Fisheries Society – Certified Fisheries Professional
2005 - Microsoft Research Grant: A Tiered Smart Client System for Annotating the Land-Water Interface: Enabling Scientific Simulation. Together with Chris Pal. $50,000
1999 - The Nature Conservancy: David H. Smith Fellowship - International Collaborations. $25,000.
1998 - Summa Cum Laude
1993 - First award and grant „100 Jahre Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft“ za pracę Dyplomową : CAD-application in eco-morphological investigations of running waters. - Eternit ATS 10,000
2012 - Habilitacja. S. Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute, Olsztyn, Poland
1998 - Doktor Nauk Rolniczych (Doctor rerum naturalium technicarum, summa cum laude) w Inżynieria Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarka Wodna, Uniwersität für Bodenkultur, Wiedeń, Austria. Promotorzy: Univ. Prof. Dr. Mathias Jungwirth i ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmutz.
1993 - Mrg. Inż . (Dipl. Ing.), Inżynieria Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarka Wodna, Uniwersität für Bodenkultur, Wiedeń, Austria. Promotorzy: Univ. Prof. Dr. Mathias Jungwirth i Univ. Prof. Dr. Siegfried Radler.
1988 - Licencjat., Inżynieria Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarka Wodna, Uniwersität für Bodenkultur, Wiedeń, Austria..
Szkolenia zawodowe
1994 - Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) - Stream Habitat Sampling Techniques” Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO
“Using Computer-Based Physical Habitat Simulation (PHABSIM) System”, Utah State University, Logan, UT
Ojczysty - Polski
Inne - Angielski (C2), Niemiecki (C2), Rosyjski (B1), Arabski (A2), Węgierski (A2)
Zdolności organizacyjne
Wyśmienite: organizator międzynarodowych sieci naukowych, dyrektor instytutu naukowego, organizacji non-profit i prywatnych firm
Kompetencje techniczne
Ekologia i inżynieria renaturyzacji rzek: przepływy ekologiczne, modelowanie siedlisk ryb i bezkręgowców, renaturyazacja i zarządzanie rzekami, ekologia ryb i rybactwo, technologia planowania i budowy przepławek, pomiary i ocena hydromorfologii rzek, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Teledetekcja, Digitalne Modele Terenu (DTM), statystyka środowiskowa, programowanie komputerów, Computer Aided Design (CAD).
Wybrane projekty naukowe
- Ustalenie Metody Szacowania Przepływów Środowiskowych w Polsce, 2014-2015. KZGW
- Ocena wsteczna stanu jednolitych części wód na potrzeby indywidualnej analizy zgodności z Ramową Dyrektywą Wodną projektów współfinansowanych z funduszy unijnych.q2014. KZGW
- An Instream Flow Assessment of the Little River, CT, Town of Putnam.3/2010-3/2011. $159,000
- Developing Environmental Flows in the Niobrara River for Fish and Wildlife. Nebraska Department of Games and Parks. 7/2009-6/2011. Co-PI with M.Pegg. $795,050
- An interactive, GIS-based application to estimate target fish communities in Northeastern streams.Regional Conservation Needs. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 1/2009-12/2010. $64,000.
- Development of a mitigation method and ecological impacts offset for spring water withdrawals on downstream habitats for fish and invertebrates. Reconnaissance study on Wekepeke Brook. Nestlé Corporation. 6/2008-5/2010. $200,000
- Development of Draft Environmental Flow Recommendations for the Saugatuck River Watershed. The Nature Conservancy 6/2008-3/2009. $50,000.
- Pine Brook Habitat Assessment and Restoration Planning – reconnaissance survey. Mass. Riverways Program. 4/2008-6/2008. $15,000.
- Using hydromorphological signatures to determine flow related habitat thresholds for instream communities. Co-PI with Christina Cianfrani of Hampshire College. USGS 3/2006-3/2008. $50,000
- Instream flow studies and watershed management plan for the Lamprey River Designated Reach. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Co-PI with Don Kretchmer, Normandeau Associates and Tom Ballestero, University of New Hampshire. 8/05-12/07. $250,000
- Validation of In-Stream Habitat Models for the Fenton River, Storrs, Connecticut. Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. Co-Pi with Glen Warner. 7/05-5/07. $71,000.
- Dwarf Wedgemussel Habitat Study on the Upper Delaware River. US Fish and Wildlife Service 6/05 – 12/08. $631,000
- Instream flow studies and watershed management plan for the Souheagan River Designated Reach. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Co-PI with Tom Ballestero, University of New Hampshire and Don Kretchmer, Normandeau Associates. 6/04-5/06. $250,000
- Eightmile River Instream Flow Study. National Park Service. 2/04/-5/06. $87,000
- Developing a sustainable management plan for the Pomperaug River watershed. Phase II. Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition. Principal Investigator. 3/04-1/06. $55,000
- Feasibility study of removal of Hatfield Dam – Hatfield, MA. Massachusetts Environmental Trust. Co-Principal Investigator (with S. Jackson). $30,000
- Fish habitat study for Long-Term Impact Analysis of the University of Connecticut’s Fenton River Water Supply Wells on the Habitat of the Fenton River. University of Connecticut. Principal Investigator. 4/03-8/05. $46,300
- Defining restoration needs for Beartrap Creek. Onondaga Lake Partnership and Isaak Walton League. Principal Investigator. 6/03-12/03. $4,700
- Instream habitat evaluation of Santee River, South Carolina below Wilson Dam. Santee Cooper AG. Principal Investigator. 1/03-1/05. $250,000
- Developing a sustainable management plan for the Pomperaug River watershed. Pilot study. Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. Principal Investigator. 6/02-10/03. $25,000
- Application of MesoHABSIM on Stony Clove – PHASE I and Demonstration of integrating instream habitat assessment into local watershed management. Green County Soil and Water Conservation District and New York City Department of Environmental Protection. Principal Investigator. 6/02-8/03. $43,800
- Demonstration of integrating instream habitat assessment into local watershed management. New York State Water Resources Institute. Principal Investigator. 3/01-2/02. $18,000
- Conservation planning on the Mill River on Hatfield. The Nature Conservancy and Massachusetts Environmental Trust. Principal Investigator. 11/2001-10/2002. $24,000
- Instream Flow Requirements of Mill River – Hatfield, MA. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management. Co-Principal Investigator (with S. DeStefano and S. Jackson). 6/2000-6/2001. $30,000
- River Scale Instream Flow Simulation - New York State Water Resources Institute. Principal Investigator. 3/2000-2/2001. $6,000
- Ecohydrology study of Quinebaug River. Principal Investigator. New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission. Principal Investigatior. 10/1999-12/2003. $508,000
- International Network to Harmonize and Improve Knowledge and Assessment Methods of Biotic-Abiotic Interactions in Running Waters as a Conservation Tool. The Nature Conservancy. Principal Investigator. 12/1999-12/2000. $25,000
- RICERCA PER GLI ECOSISTEMI ACQUATICI – RESau. Regional research Group on aquatic ecosystems in Valle D’Aosta, Italy. Doradca naukowy.
Wybrane opinie i komitety naukowe
- EU REC Recenzent w progamie stypendiów H2020 Marie Currie Skłodowska Action
- Rozwoju i Ochrony Żywych Zasobów Wód przy minsterstrze Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi
- FAO European Inland Fisheries and Zespół ds. Aquaculture Advisory Commission. Delegat Polski.
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Recenzent fish passage barriers manual. 2010.
- Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs. Sustainable Water Initiative Technical Subcommittee. Boston, MA, USA. 2009-2013.
- River Network Science Task Force. USA. 2009
- Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. Science and Technical Workgroup on Water Flow Regulations for the State, Hartford, CT, USA 2006 – 2007
- American Fisheries Society. Bioengineering Section. Education committee for development of fluvial engineering curriculum. USA. 2002 -2004
- Potomac River Basin Commission. Potomac Minimum Instream Flow Methods Workshop, Potomac, MD. 4/8-9/2003
- Rhode Island Water Resources Board. Water Allocation Program Advisory Council, Providence, RI, 2003
- New York Department of Environmental Conservation. Hydrological Habitat Modification workgroup of Non-Point Source Pollution Committee, Albany, NY. 2001-2004
Zaproszone Wykłady
- Connecticut Water Planning Council Technical Committee . New Britain, CT, USA 6/30/2002
- Austrian Network for Environmental Research. River Ecology Sub-network 1997-99
- Politecnica Di Torino “MesoHABSIM Aplications”, Turyn,Włochy , 5 kwiecień 2014
- Keynote for EUROMECH Colloquium 523 Clermont-Ferrand, Francja, 15-17 czerwiec, 2011
- Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries. Seminar on Application of MesoHABSIM. Berlin. Niemcy 10/4/2010
- New Zealand Regional Council of Governments. 2 Day Seminar on Application of MesoHASBIM approach. Nowa Zelandia
- ETH Zurich. Seminar on Application of MesoHABSIM. Kastanienbaum, Szwajcarja. 10/30/2009.
- EPFL Lausanne. Seminar Use of the Mesohabitat Simulation Model (MesoHABSIM) for Instream Habitat Assessments, Lausanne, Szwajcarja. 10/29/2009.
- University of Montreal. Application of MesoHABSIM model and habitat time series analysis for flow management and river restoration. Montreal, Kanada. 1/25/2009.
- Ministerstwo Przemysłu. Contemporary techniques in River management. Warszawa 5/22/05
- Komisja Europejska. European Aquatic Modelling Network. Final conference of COST Action 626 in Silkeborg, Denmark 5/19-20/2005
- NOAA Restoration Center. “Connecting science to Application”. Washington DC, USA 4/13/05
- Institute of Ecosystem Studies. Conference Hudson River Tributaries: the State of Our Knowledge. Millbrook, NY. USA, 6/12/2003.
- INRS Eau terre et Environnement, Canada. International workshop on “State of the art in habitat modeling and conservation flows”, Quebec City, Kanada. 3/4 -5/2003
- Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research. Workshop Hydroscience and Engineering, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. USA 2/7/2003
- New York Chapter of American Fisheries Society. “Restoring Natural Flow Regimes: Dam Removal as a Tool in River Restoration" Canandaigua, NY. USA 1/9/2003
- European Science Foundation. “Upscaling Workshop” of COST Action 626: “European Aquatic Modelling Network”, Gent, Belgia. 12/11-13/2002
- Massachusetts River Restore Program. Environmental Risk for Dams, Marlborough, MA. USA. 11/19/2002
- University of Wisconsin-Madison. Engineering Innovative Fish Passage Dam Removal and Nature-like Fishways, Waterville Valley, NH. USA. 10/20-10/24/2002
- American Fisheries Society – Organizing committee of Fisheries Bioengineering Symposium, Baltimore, MD. USA. 8/25-30/2002
- New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission. Instream Habitat Program, New London, CT. USA. 5/16/2002
- Nebraska Department of Game and Parks. Platte River Workshop. Pallid Sturgeon/Sturgeon Chub Task Force. Lincoln, NE. USA. 1/23-24/2002
- The Nature Conservancy. Managing the flows for biodiversity – A conference on science, policy and conservation action. Colorado State University. Fort Collins, CO. USA. 7/30-8/2/2001
- European Science Foundation. COST Action 626 “European Aquatic Modelling Network”, Trondheim, Norwegia. 5/11-12/2001
- University of Oslo, Norway. Zoological Museum of University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. 5/8/2001
- US Fish and Wildlife Service. Eastern Hydropower Licensing Workshop Northeast and Southeast Regions. National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV, 8/29–31/2000
- HydroVision 2000 Conference. Session: International Water Power Regulations and Compliance, Charlotte, NC, August 2000
Doświadczenie w nauczaniu
2012 - 2013 - Szkoła Głowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska. Studia Podyplomowe „Zastosowanie współczesnych metod hydrologii w inżynierii i gospodarce wodnej” Wybrane zagadnienia z Ekohydrauliki
Politechnika Koszalińska. Katedra Biologi Środowiskowej. Wybrane zagadnienia z Ekohydrauliki. 11.4.2012
2008 - 2009 - Technical University of Madrid, Spain
MesoHABSIM: Instream Data collection and modeling
2007 - 2009 - Rushing Rivers Institute, Amherst
MesoHABSIM: Instream Data collection and modeling.
MesoHABSIM Approach and Application
MesoHABSIM Computation and SIM-Stream Software
MesoHABSIM Field Techniques
2004 - 2007 - University of Massachusetts
NRC 597R: MesoHABSIM: Instream Data Collection and
Modeling. Guest Lecturer. WFCON. 597W Wetland
2001-2003 - Cornell University
Guest lecturer NTRES 110, Introduction to the Field of
Natural Resources, Department of Natural resources.
Guest lecturer BEE 371, Hydrology and the Environment
Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering.
1995-1999 - University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna
“Eco-morphology of running waters” within the hydrobiology lab.
- RiverNorm Foundation. Udrażnianie rzek. Przepławki bliskie naturze. 23.9.2013
- US Fish & Wildlife Service, National Conservation Training Center Invited instructor for Fish Passageways & Bypass Facilities-East Course, Hadley, MA, USA. Nature-like bypass channels. 10.7. 2000
- University of Wisconsin-Madison - invited lecturer Engineering Innovative Fish Passage Dam Removal and Nature-like Fishways, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, USA. 20-24.10, 2002.
- University of Wisconsin-Madison - invited lecturer. Urban Channel Design and Rehabilitation: Biotechnical engineering, Watershed concepts, recapturing the stream corridor, Engineering alternatives, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. 28-30.11. 2000
Publikacje i raporty
- Parasiewicz P. 1998. Computer aided methods for biological investigations of hydro-morphological attributes of running waters – Selected aspects of data collection and analysis. Ph. D. Diysertacja. Abteuling für Hydrobiologie, Fischereiwirtschaft and Aquakultur. Uniwersität für Bodenkultur, Wiedeń, Austria
- Parasiewicz P. 1993. CAD-application in eco-morphological investigations of running waters. Praca dyplomowa. Abteuling für Hydrobiologie, Fischereiwirtschaft and Aquakultur. Uniwersität für Bodenkultur, Wiedeń, Austria
Artukuły recenzowane
- C. WOLTER, A.D. BUJISE, PARASIEWICZ,P. (2015). Temporal and spatial patterns of fish response to hydromorphological processes. River Res. Applic. DOI:10.1002/rra.2980
- VEZZA, P., PARASIEWICZ, P., SPAORANI, M. & COMOGLIO, C. (2013). Habitat modelling in high gradient streams: the meso-scale approach and application. Ecological Applications.
- VEZZA, P., PARASIEWICZ, P., CALLES, O., SPAORANI, M. & COMOGLIO, C. (2013). Modelling habitat requirements of bullhead (Cottus gobio) in Alpine streams. Aquat Sci. DOI 10.1007/s00027-013-0306-7.
- GOSTNER, W., PARASIEWICZ, P., SCHLEISS, AJ. (2013). A case study on spatial and temporal hydraulic variability in an alpine gravel-bed stream based on the hydromorphological index of diversity. Ecohydrology. Doi: 10.1002/eco.1349
- Parasiewicz, P., Ryan, K., Vezza, P., Comoglio, C., Ballestero, T. & Rogers, J.N.(2012) “Use of quantitative habitat models for establishing performance metrics in river restoration planning”. Ecohydrology. Doi: 10.1002/eco.1350
- Parasiewicz, P., Castelli, E., Rogers, JN., Plunkett, E. (2012). Multiplex modeling of physical habitat for endangered freshwater mussels. Ecological Modelling 228: 66–75
- VEzza P., parasewicz P., Rosso M., Comoglio c. (2012). Defining environmental flows requirements at regional scale by using meso-scale habitat models and catchments classification. Rivers Research and Application. Special Issue: Special Issue on Dam Operations for Sustainable Regulated River Management. 28 (6): 717–730.
- CASTELLI, E., PARASIEWICZ, P., AND ROGERS, J. (2012). ”Use of Frequency and Duration Analysis for the Determination of Thermal Habitat Thresholds: Application for the Conservation of Alasmidonta heterodon in the Delaware River.” J. Environ. Eng., 138(8), 886–892.
- Gortázar J, Parasiewicz P., González C. A. & D. G. de Jalón (2011). Physical habitat assessment in the river Tajuña (Spain) by means of the mesohabsim approach. Limnetica 30 (2):379-392
- VEzza P., parasewicz P., Rosso M., Comoglio c. (2011). Defining environmental flows requirements at regional scale by using meso-scale habitat models and catchments classification. Rivers Research and Application. DOI: 10.1002/rra.1571.
- PARASIEWICZ, P., J. NESTLER, N.L. POFF & A. GOODWIN. (2011) Virtual Reference River: A Model for Scientific Discovery and Reconciliation. Environmental Research Journal. 5 (1). pp. 97-114.
- PARASIEWICZ, P., N. GILLESPIE, D. SHEPPARD & T. WALTER (2010) Strategy for Sustainable Management of the Upper Delaware River Basin. Environmental Research Journal. 5 (1). pp. 115-130
- Parasiewicz P., Rubial J. G., Sanchez M. M. & D. G. de Jalón (2009) Mesohabsim: an effective tool for river and watershed management [Mesohabsim: una herramienta eficaz para la gestión de ríos y cuencas fluviales]. Tecnologia del Agua. 29 (309):20-26.
- Jacobson R. A., Warner G., Parasiewicz P., Bagtzoglou R. & F. Ogden (2009) An Interdisciplinary Study of the Effects of Groundwater Extraction on Freshwater Fishes. International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics. 12 (F08) :7-26.
- Parasiewicz P. (2008): Habitat time-series analysis to define flow-augmentation strategy for the Quinebaug River, Connecticut and Massachusetts, USA. River Research and Application. 24: 439–452.
- Parasiewicz P. (2008): Application of MesoHABSIM and target fish community approaches for selecting restoration measures of the Quinebaug River, Connecticut and Massachusetts, USA. River Research and Application. 24: 459–471.
- Parasiewicz P. (2007): The MesoHABSIM Model Revisited. River Research and Application 23 (8):893-903.
- Parasiewicz P. & J. D. Walker (2007): Comparing and testing results of three different micro and meso river habitat models. River Research and Application 23 (8): 904-923.
- Parasiewicz P. (2007): Developing a reference habitat template and ecological management scenarios using the MesoHABSIM model. River Research and Application 23 (8): 924-932.
- Nadim F., Bagztzoglo A. C., Baun S.A., Warner G., Jacobson R. A. & P. Parasiewicz (2007): Management of adverse impact of a public water supply well-field on the aquatic habitat of a stratified drift stream in eastern Connecticut, Water Environment Research. 79 (1) 43-56(14).
- Werle S. F., Johnson N.A., Dumont E. R. & P Parasiewicz (2007): Nei's ecological distance analysis: a novel use of Nei’s modified genetic distance (DA). Northeastern Naturalist 14(3):439–446.
- ParaSIEWICz P. (2003): Upscaling: Integrating habitat model into river management. Canadian Water Resources Journal. Special Issue: State-of-the-Art in Habitat Modelling and Conservation of Flows 28 (2) p. 283-300.
- Parasiewicz P. (2001): MesoHABSIM - a concept for application of instream flow models in river restoration planning. Fisheries 29 (9) p. 6-13.
- Parasiewicz P. & M. J. Dunbar (2001): Physical habitat modelling for fish – a developing approach - Archiv für
Hydrobiologie. Suppl. (Large Rivers Vol. 12), 135/2-4 p. 239-268. - Parasiewicz P., Hofmann H. C. & B. Höglinger (1999): The DVP - Depth Velocity Position Bar - a multiplex instrument for physical habitat measurements in small riverine domains - Regulated Rivers: Research and Management, 15, 77-86.
- Parasiewicz P., Höglinger B. &. H. C. Hofmann (1998): Der DVP – Stab. Depth Velocity Position Bar – Ein multifunktionales Gerät für morpphometrische Aufnahmen an Fließgewässern – Österreichs Fischerei, Jahrgang 51, 10, 232-239.
- Parasiewicz P., Schmutz S. & O. Moog, (1998): The effects of managed hydropower peaking on the physical habitat, benthos and fish fauna in the Bregenzerach, a nival 6th order river in Austria, Fisheries Management and Ecology, 1998, 5, 403-417.
- Schmutz S., Moog O. & P. Parasiewicz (1997): Bewertung der ökologischen Funktionsfähigkeit in Ausleitungsstrecken - zoozönotischer Ansatz.- Wasserwirtschaft 87 (7-8): 354-355.
- PARASIEWICZ, P. (1996): Estimation of physical habitat characteristics using automation and geodesic-based sampling. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management, Vol. 12, 575-583.
Rozdziały książek
- SCHMUTZ S., PARASIEWICZ P., KAUFMANN M., & G. PARTL, (1995): Bewertung der ökologischen Funktionsfähigkeit in Ausleitungsstrecken anhand von Fischzönosen. Wasserbau-Mitteilungen der Technischen Hochschule Darmstadt, Nr. 40:191-207.
- PARASIEWICZ P., ROGERS J. N., GORTAZAR J., VEZZA P., WIŚNIEWOLSKI W. & C. COMGLIO. (2013). The MesoHABSIM Simulation Model – development and applications. In Maddock I., Harby A., Kemp P., Wood P. Ecohydraulics: an integrated approach. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- PARASIEWICZ, P., N. GILLESPIE, D. SHEPPARD & T. WALTER (2010) Strategy for Sustainable Management of the Upper Delaware River Basin. In: F. De Carlo and A. Bassano (ed). Freshwater Ecosystems and Aquaculture Research. Nova
- BORSÁNYI P. & PARASIEWICZ, P. (2004): Contrasting two individually developed, meso-scale based habitat evaluation systems. In Fifth International Symposium on Ecohydraulics. Aquatic Habitats: Analysis & Restoration (eds D.G.d. Jalón & P.V. Martínez), Vol. 2, pp. 845-850. IAHR, Madrid, Spain.
- WILDMAN L, PARASIEWICZ P., KATOPODIS C. & U. DUMONT 2003. An illustrative handbook on nature-like fishways - summarized version. American rivers. Washington , DC. 21pp
- JACOBSON, R. & PARASIEWICZ, P. (2002): Methods for Defining Instream Flow Standards: New developments in habitat modeling. In proceedings of Connecticut Instream Flow Conference. Berlin, CT March 23, 2001, p. 99 – 113. Yale University. Science Publishers, Inc. pp. 249-264. ISBN: 978-1-60741-707-1.
- NESTLER, J , P. PARASIEWICZ, N. L. POFF, AND Z. BOWEN (2002). First principles based attributes for describing a template to develop the reference river. –“Environmental flows for river systems.” International Working Conference on Assessment and Implementation, incorporating the fourth international Ecohydraulic symposium, Cape Town, South Africa. On CD. March 3-8, 2002.
- PARASIEWICZ, P., J. NESTLER, N.L. POFF & A. GOODWIN. (2008) Virtual Reference River: A Model for Scientific Discovery and Reconciliation. 2008. In: M. S. Alonso, I. M. Rubio (ed) Ecological Management: New Research, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. pp. 189-206. ISBN: 978-1-60456-786-1
- MODER K. & P. PARASIEWICZ (1999): Statistical comparison of physical habitat sampling strategies in streams. Proceedings of workshop on correlated data modeling: The estimating function approach, Trieste, Italy, October 22-23, 1999. On CD.
- PARASIEWICZ P., EBERSTALLER J., WEISS S. & S. SCHMUTZ (1998): Conceptual guidance for nature-like bypass channels, In: M. Jungwirth, S. Schmutz, S. Weiss (eds), Fish Migration and Fish Bypasses, Fishery News Books, Blackwell Science, Oxford. pp. 348-362.
- EBERSTALLER, HINTERHOFER M. & P. PARASIEWICZ (1998): The effectiveness of two nature-like bypass-channels in aiding the upstream migration of a rhithral fish assemblage, In: M. Jungwirth, S. Schmutz, S. Weiss (eds), Fish Migration and Fish Bypasses, Fishery News Books, Blackwell Science, Oxford. pp. 363-383.
- PARASIEWICZ P. & S. SCHMUTZ (1997): Integritá ecologica e deflusso minimo vitale. In AGAC Deflusso minimo vitale. Methodi ed esperienze per un corretto utilizzo della risorsa idrica nel rispetto degli usi ambientali del corsi d´aqua. Convegno nazionale.p 159-163.
- PARASIEWICZ P., S. SCHMUTZ & O. MOOG, (1996): The effects of managed hydropower peaking on the physical habitat, benthos and fish fauna in the Bregenzerach, a nival 6th order river in Austria. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Habitat Hydraulics „Ecohydraulics 2000“ in Quebec, czerwiec 1996, p. A685-A698.
- PARASIEWICZ P. & S. SCHMUTZ, (1999) Running water ecology research in Austria. Publication of Austrian Network for Environmental Research. Federal Ministry of Science and Transportation, Vienna, Austria, 80 pp.
- PARASIEWICZ, P. & H. MADER (1991). Ökomorphometrische Flußvermessung und deren Auswertung. Proceedings of Informationstagung Mikroelektronik ME91 Vienna, August 1991, p. 243-249.
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- P30869PL00: 2014. Moduł do monitorowania zwierząt oraz system monitorowania zwierząt.